
I little bit about me, let’s start with my favorite sayin!

“Every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live and a beauty to rescue”  -Unknown                               

Doin the right thing?

Is doin the right fuckin thing!

Pictures they say are worth a thousands words.

I still couldn’t put into that many words how awesome my life is. So I thought I would show ya! Below are the people, places and things that are the inspiration for this project and make it (and me) tick! Enjoy!


Why do I call this Project Be Raw?

Stories are how we have communicated from the beginning of time. Then it was the written word. Not too long ago it was the radio and television. Now it is Podcast.

The stories and people I am looking for are who got fucked up some how and come out the other side in a better place. Built or created something they wanna brag about. How about bringing awareness to a serious issue? Or telling stories of how you are an adult survivor of childhood from all the crazy shit you did. There is a plethora of fun, serious and random topics. What ever the topic, be RAW!

Everyone has stories. As you listen to these episodes you'll see that the guests are pretty ordinary people. They are not big movie or rock stars, they are not super wealthy, award winning whatevers...

These are everyday people that you see and interact with all the time and, without taking the time and interest, you would never know their story. I believe that people accomplishe amazing things everyday. These are the stories I want to share and the conversations I am looking to have with you.